écouter - to listen

        The word "écouter," is an "er" verb, that uses one of the most common accents used in the French language. The accent "é," may be typed on a English keyboard by holding down the "alt key" and then typing "130" on the side number section /pad of the keyboard. A capital "é" is typed as "0201" = É. Also, be sure to check the Num Lock to make sure that the command for the "é" will work properly.

-The dialogue in the picture means: "I do a really good job at pretending to listen!"

à la - at the, in the, to the

        The phrase "à la" is a very commonly used one in the French language. The "à" accent is one of the more commonly used accents. The accent "à," may be typed on an English keyboard by holding down the the "alt key" and then typing "0224" on the side number pad of the keyboard. A capital "à" is typed as "0192" = À. Make sure that the Num Lock is ON (indicated by a little light to the top of the keyboard) so that the command for "à" will function correctly.

- The caption in the picture means: " The World in my eyes!!"

à bientôt - see you soon

      "À bientôt" means "see you soon," or "see you later," it is one of my personal favourite phrases to say, I picked it up last year. "Ô" has a triangle on top, like a little hat!! How cuuttteee!!!! Blah. The "ô" is typed on an English keyboard by holding down the "alt" key and then typing "0244" on the side number pad. A capital "ô" is typed as "0212" = Ô. Double check that the Num Lock is in the correct setting, so that the command for "ô" won't mess up!!

- The picture means in Englsih: "See you soon... I hope..." <or>
"I hope we see each other soon!!"

Accent Codes!!


Accent keyboard codes, that require a zero.

To type accents with ALT codes, hold down the ALT key, then on the numeric keypad type the three or four digits listed here. When you release the ALT key, the character will appear.

a with grave accent
   à  ALT + 133    À  ALT + 0192

a with circumflex
   â  ALT + 131    Â  ALT + 0194

a with tréma
   ä  ALT + 132    Ä  ALT + 142

a e ligature
   æ  ALT + 145    Æ  ALT + 146

c with cedilla
   ç  ALT + 135    Ç  ALT + 128

e with acute accent
   é  ALT + 130    É  ALT + 144

e with grave accent
   è  ALT + 138    È  ALT + 0200

e with circumflex
   ê  ALT + 136    Ê  ALT + 0202

e with tréma
   ë  ALT + 137    Ë  ALT + 0203

i with circumflex
   î  ALT + 140    Î  ALT + 0206

i with tréma
   ï  ALT + 139    Ï  ALT + 0207

o with circumflex
   ô  ALT + 147    Ô  ALT + 0212

o e ligature
   œ  ALT + 0156   Œ  ALT + 0140

u with grave accent
   ù  ALT + 151    Ù  ALT + 0217

u with circumflex
   û  ALT + 150    Û  ALT + 0219

u with tréma
   ü  ALT + 129    Ü  ALT + 154

French quotation marks
   «  ALT + 174    »  ALT + 175

Euro symbol
     ALT + 0128
